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- Config
- Controller
- Dependency Manager
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- Service
- View
The Config folder is perhaps the most intimidating component of Co.Koa. Don’t worry, just like everything else in Co.Koa, it’s designed to keep things simple!
The AssetConfig file tells Co.Koa’s Dependency Manager where to look for CSS, HTML, IMG & JS files within the public folder. You can also supply other assets within your public folder from this location (txt, pdf, etc.)
For Example
when you call $(':css').loadURL('foo')
, the Dependency Manager will cross reference the folder based on the running environment. For example, by default we can see that the development
css uri points to:
'css': '/src/assets/css',
if we call $(':css').loadURL('foo')
in any function that exposes the Dependency Manager, a string will be returned as follows: ‘/src/assets/css/foo.css’ that points to the physical directory ‘./public/src/assets/css/foo.css’.
As the name would suggest, bootstrap is the place to inject code you would like to execute when starting your server. Bootstrap is injected with the Dependency Manager and operates much like a method in a service object
The config.json/config.js file houses a number of core configurations for your project. as of co-koa-core^1.17.1, you can now opt to use a config.js in place of config.json. This is designed to help with deployments to - for example - Heroku instances where a dynamic port is assigned on your behalf.
"appKeys": [],
supply a default list of keys for koa’s implementation of key grip. Note as of co-koa-core@^0.21.0, If you set app.keys in a Co.Koa plugin, this config property will be ignored.
"bodyParser": {},
Under the hood, co-koa-core uses koa-bodyParser to serve your actions a simply legible body. as of co-koa-core@^1.18.1 you can now supply options to the bodyParser directly via the bodyParser
option within config.js
"cors": {
"origin": "*",
"exposeHeaders": "x-requested-with, Content-Type, origin, authorization, accept, content-type, x-experience-api-version, client-security-token",
"maxAge": 3600,
"credentials": true,
"keepHeadersOnError": true
Passes configurations through to the @koa/cors
plugin. For more information on Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, please see this article: Using CORS.
"dependencyRegister": {},
The Dependency Register allows you to specify custom dynamic dependencies for the Dependency Manager. Co.Koa expects this property to be defined as an object literal "Type": "Path"
Type dictates the suffix the files are expected to have. For example:
If a type key is set to "Validator"
, the files in the designated directory should be suffixed as below:
Path dictates the directory starting from the api directory. For example:
If a path value is set to "models/virtuals"
then your files will be located at:
now, given the examples above, all files with access to the DependencyManager would be able to call:
If a custom dependency file supplies module.exports
with a function, the function in question will be supplied the dependency manager as an argument just like models, services and so on:
module.exports = function FooValidator ($) {
Be very careful what you add to the register! once it’s in the register, the dependencyManager may not be able to load Models that share the same suffix.
Do not add a forward slash at the beginning or the end of your path value! Co.Koa has it covered!
Default language specifies the language you want Co.Koa to use both within its core files and by default for your local i18n folder. This should adhere to the 2 letter language codes acknowledged by the W3C. Currently, co-koa-core will default to English (contributions welcome!) But don’t let that stop you from using other languages within your i18n folder. For more information on i18n and Co.Koa, visit the Dependency Manager page.
"environment": {
"test": {
"port": 3000
"development": {
"port": 3000
The environment property allows you to supply a port. This may be expanded in future.
"messageFolder": "./i18n/",
The messageFolder tells Co.Koa’s DependencyManager where to look for internationalised messages to echo to your users. For example, by default, suppose you had a file stored at:
this could be loaded in a model/controller/service/middleware function as follows:
for more information on $(':echo')
, please see the Dependency Manager documentation.
"optionalModules": {
"koa-hbs-renderer": true,
"koa-locale": true,
"@koa/cors": true
Optional modules are added to Co.Koa via the “optionalModules” object. Most notably, Co.Koa supports handlebars by default, but can be made into a pure API simply by setting the koa-hbs-renderer
flag to false
. Co.Koa will not load any HBS components on launch if the flag is set to false
(this has no effect on accessing static resources within the /public
If you wish to use Vue with your instance, you will need to use @koa/cors
to communicate between the Vue development instance server and Co.Koa
"welcomeMessage": true
Switch off the verbose ascii message that accompanies the server load of Co.Koa
The hbsConfig exposes, like-for-like the configurations file for koa-hbs-renderer. Needless to say, be careful changing this file!
The logger is the brains behind the $.logger.log()
method exposed by the Dependency Manager. It allows you to log messages based on the running environment. Perhaps you’d like to have console.log() calls for dev, but store the same data in a log file on your production box. Co.Koa encourages you to use $.logger.log()
and $.logger.error()
rather than - for example - console.log()
By default, the development environment will simply default to console.log()
and console.error()
. For convenience, the test environment expects a secondary array argument and will push the message to that array. Production is entirely up to you!
The logger is also passed to the $(':echo')
component and will be used therein when calling .log()
or .error()
. For more information on $(':echo')
, please see the Dependency Manager documentation.
the middleware.js is a location from which to perform koa-style middleware actions. Each method supplied to the middleware.js object will be called (sequentially) by koa’s app.use() on launch. As an example, Co.Koa sets up a simple function that will be called each time it receives a request:
module.exports = function ($, conf) {
return {
async logRequest (ctx, next) {
const start = new Date();
await next();
const ms = new Date() - start;
// use the aforementioned logger to log the load time
$.logger.log(`${ctx.method} ${ctx.url} - ${ms}ms`);
As you can see, it has full access to the Dependency Manager.